Remembering the Home

Home is a place of residence for human, shelter from rain and hot sun and also from protect own selves from enemies. It is a place in which an individual or a family can rest, escape from their busy life outside and be able to store their personal property. My home in which I grew up in is in my hometown, Muar Johor. Certainly I miss my home so much as it is the place where I grew up in, filled with sweet memories throughout my childhood life. Without doubt, everyone have their own home and for me, and a home is the origin place where people would return to after being out. This is because our home is the place in which all our history is kept. To describe this in a simpler manner, we can say that once history is created in a place, a space is created, and this space then becomes our home where we constantly relied upon or return to this particular space for shelter.

Similarly, our Mother Earth can also be described as our home seeing this from a wider frame. For example, a person being away from his own country for a long time will eventually still return back to his country for some reasons. This ‘phenomena’ occurs naturally.
To understand the concept of Home even further, we should first understand ‘space’ first. Space is actually the three dimensional extent in which objects are placed in and in which events occur in relation with time. It is because of the existence of the object in the space and also certain specific events which had occurred in that area which made it a space. Natural philosophers, Gottfried Leibniz, thought instead that space was a collection of relations between objects, given by their distance and direction from one another. Leibniz’s statement supports me in my opinion of space is made up of relation of objects in relation with time. Besides, space is also made up of history of human activities which occur as time goes…Time creates history. And the context in which history is created forms place which becomes space recognised/ known by humans. German philosopher, Immanuel Kant described space and time as elements of a systematic framework that humans use to structure their experience. And for the perception of space; that is, spatial representation of the environment includes an innate component that predates any actual perception of the environment itself. As time pass, history is created in context of the space, the object or human are in. Space and time can also be calculated mathematically according to various mathematician philosophers. Space creates place for human to stay then, our Home is created… Home sweet home~

My home is just a typical house made up of concrete blocks and glasses installed in the pierced concrete block to form openings.. Although it is just another normal house to anyone, it appears special to me as every bits and parts of this house is designed by my parents carefully as it is my parents’ dream house. And of course my home influenced me a lot in various parts of my life.;the way I live, my habits, my perception of a perfect home and many more.. Most importantly my home does also affect me in my understanding of place and architecture.

First and foremost, I would like to start off with the person I admired the most in the world, my mum, being the maintenance person of the house; and with her own creativity, she created many decorations in our house which I loved a lot. She uses many recycled materials as well in creating decorations. It is actually not recycled, she reused most of the old/ abandoned things to decorate our house and I love her ideas very much.. I am going to show a few reused things she used that impressed me. For example, there is this ‘tikar’ which my brother used for his camp and are thrown aside after the camp ended. My mum used it as a blinds/ decoration over the window in our kitchen. It is indeed very Nice..This influenced me to reuse and recycle materials in design.. Always reuse materials and not to waste. For example, in my design, I used broken pieces of colourful glasses stick together to form a nice complete piece of glass which can be used as decorative art piece hung on the wall/ can also be used for openings. Photo below shows the bedframe being used to create a small frame for the white stones..and also the pot use to burn charcoal or something being used to plant flowers...

Besides, mum loves to decorate our house with real plants planted in vases. It creates somekind of ‘bringing nature into house’ feeling. This also influenced me to incorporate nature in my design so as to make the building/ house look more lively. Open interior spaces of my house also allow cross ventilation and make my home always cool and windy. This feature is very useful in my design as it provides thermal comfort to occupants and make sure that they are comfortable. This ensures that the building has a longer lifespan as the occupants are well suited with the environment in the building.

And ‘what is so special about marble tiles and parquet floor’?? I just realized that my previous old house and current new house used mostly marble tiles and parquet for floor finishes. This rectangular shaped marble tiles aren’t even cheap. Initially I thought my mum like these materials so much but now only I understand that marbles helps to cool down our house naturally and the original whiteness of this material create sense of ‘clean and tidy’ in our house. Being suited and familiar with these materials since small, I thought that it is beneficial and naturally nice to use these materials in my design. Maybe it suits my eyes more or maybe is the benefits of the materials itself.. I don’t know.

To end this, again I would like to emphasize that a home means a lot to everyone. Home is the place for shelter, place to rest, place to protect ourselves from enemies and of course place that we go back to everyday after school/ work. Our home, the place all of us grew up in contains all our sweet memories should be preserved carefully so that all history are remembered. Today, I realized that my “home” had more or less influenced me in my design approach in many terms..

~~Seindah rumahku~~

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