My Architecture Life

My childhood moments that lead to architecture
Um, actually there isn't any particular childhood moments that leads me to architecture , And to be frank, I hadn't even thought of my ambition seriously until time forces me to do so..=.= and this is after completing my pre-u, Ausmat in Sunway-U, only the ambition question pops out.. Till then only i surfed the net, visit various different universities for their information on rankings, best courses that suits me and of course, their shocking fees!! Cracking my minds for the final decision, UCSI is then chosen out of so many other tempting and beautiful universities in Malaysia...woohOO!!

Why did I choose Architecture?
.. hmM....Archi-tecture??..why??.. haha..last time, i'd actually searched through the for interesting jobs in Malaysia, it sounds a bit silly but that's what i did..However at that time, I've already had a few fields that I would like to venture in which are chemical engineering as a Chemist as I love Chemistry very very much, and maybe phsycology as well. I was very much into Science at that time and it bores me in my pre-u, hence, I thought that a little combination of art and science would be fun, Architecture cames to mind then...

Best experiences studying Architecture
Okay, the best experience in Architecture is of course getting to know many many crazy friend, crazy in a positive way =)..Friendly and helpful friends over here in Architecture school compare to others. hmM,..I loved it when we have field trips or any site visits to wherever interesting places. The togetherness and teamwork during last minutes in all group projects was unforgettable. Staying up overnights together even though without sleeps was fun! Studying architecture changes the way I look at different things too...

Worst experiences studying Architecture
Worst experiences in studying architecture are of course when too much work piles up at the same time and there is only limited amount of time left. Whoo, that smells like no sleeps, no rest, no perfect meals, and caffeine all day!! hmM, its Architecture that we are saying right noW, so....i guess we all know whats worst...

Best habits throughout my studies
I don’t have any specific best habits actually..sounds like so ‘rendah diri’, haha, maybe i didn’t realise the good habits myself. Or can Workaholic be my best habits?? since i was given a workaholic tag by all my friends..

Worst habits throughout my studies
Plenty! Playing facebook, sleeping so damn late everyday, drink few cups of coffee in a day, and many more. And the worst habit is changing the Whole design Concept last minute or after finished all drawings...Then at the end of the day ends up Crying as there is no more time left to finish up the whole project..Seriously, this is the WORST!!

What keeps you going? Anything specific?
I’m going to build my own Home, my dream house!! Browsing through magazines, seeing famous architects creating and designing something special and brand new to everyone, gaining Fame and be admired for a unique design is nice. I want the photo of everything I design in every magazine you can find about Architecture. So thats what keeps me going..

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